
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Anxiety is Beginning!

I think I'm starting to get a bit anxious. I've woke up at about 3:30AM the last few nights. Last night I woke up with a dream that my had expired and that you had to get a special letter from some random company to get it back.... what? Where the hell did that come from? Of course I went online to the company that holds all of dot com's and hosting and could not get in. Oh well.
End of the day Monday toooo pooped to finish!

Terry's cigar, cocktail and drill bit.

Terry fixing the arbor while having a cigar and cocktail.

I'm a bit behind of where I wanted to be today. I was to have all of my planting cleaning etc. done outside by the end of the day Monday.

Tuesday morning I went back to the nursery and got another truck load of plants.

I almost got all the plants in. After 7 hrs of schlepping and digging, cleaning the patio's and trimming, I was done.

I still have a few flowers I need to get into pots this morning and some to still plant out front....

All my working sure made the girls tired!

Not the best picture of Sophie.

The remaining flowers to plant.

Was going to add some flowers to this pot but it broke in half when I  picked it up.

I didn't rehearse yesterday either! I know I will do fine on Saturday but my voice is still very tight for some reason.. It is not flowing like it should. It's a bit frustrating but I have to just tell myself to relax and breath... your breath, remembering to breath, and controlling your breath is about the most important thing when you sing. I have so many things on my mind, it is so hard to let go and I'm getting a bit frustrated. I just have to keep reminding myself, Terry and I always pull off whatever we set out to do. My voice has never let me down (except when I got nodes thanks to major allergies), so just stay positive and focused.
OK, I need to finish my planting and get in the studio.
Then today I settle on my menu. My main concern is dessert, it always is for me. The difficulty I am having is I am going be performing and getting ready to perform at dessert time. Oh, and we have Vegans! They are so hard to prepare desserts for. I am really thinking frozen grapes along with other fruit and maybe some cheeses.
I also need to get some order in the kitchen and house and I believe I will start on sauces today and get my olive marinating and toast and spice my almonds.
And... I have got to get my nails done!
Terry just informed me yesterday that it is suppose to be in the 100's on Saturday. We've had a fairly cool summer until the day of My Open House! Oh well, this is why we set starting time at 6:30PM. We'll just have to try to get as much set up & done in the early hours. Well, I will. Terry won't be up early.
Wish me luck because we are just a few days from D Day!!!! I'm not sure how much I'm going to post between now and then. I'll try to keep you updated.

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